It’s all set for the 8th Porto Femme Sessions Cycle | 31 January | 22h00 | Maus Hábitos.
With curatorship of Ana Catarina Pereira, researcher at LabCom.IFP and Professor at UBI – Beira Interior University, we presente on January 31 a cycle dedicated to female students of the Cinema course of this academic institution.
“The invitation to curate this cycle has become a challenge of aesthetic and, at the same time, political: distinguishing a gender is to attribute visibility to what usually remains in the shade without question or justification. The selected short films reveal the creative freedom and the stimulus to innovation that has characterized the teaching of the cinematographic arts at the University of Beira Interior. The Cinema courses of the institution exist since the academic year 2003/04, integrated in the Communication and Arts Department. Since then, more than 100 final project films have been produced, both in undergraduate and master’s degrees.”
Ana Catarina Pereira
The Kiss
Fiction – 9’ – YEAR 2009
Director – Joana Díonisio
A passionate kiss leads to a journey into the world of cinema.
From midnight to day
Fiction – 22′ – YEAR 2013
Director – Vanessa Duarte
A reflexive look at the sensory experiences, collective memory and sense of identity of the factory workers of Covilhã, establishing the relation with the abandoned and degraded spaces of the factories that in a day symbolized the prosperity of their land. Visual exploration of wear and tear and emotional and material abandonment, contours of time, their traits.
I welcome you to this house
Fiction – 14′ – YEAR 2013
Director – Ana Pio
The rooms in her house are reserved for moments, people and memories which trigger an inner fight when she tries to re-live them, searching for what makes her truly happy.
If I speak to God I pray, if God speaks to me I’m crazy
Fiction – 6′ – YEAR 2014
Director – Sara Gradiz, Rita Nobre, Joana Oliveira
The subject of the short film arises from the symptoms and behaviors of individuals with obsessive-compulsive and bipolar disorders. The aim is not to make known or characterize these disorders, but to explore and interpret subsequent feelings and sensations.
Documentary – 21′ – YEAR 2014
Director – Luísa Soares
I let myself go. I am going through spaces, feeling the echoes, listening to the memories. I hold people shaped into a file, I feel the cold and the emptiness of the factories that remained alone. I build images, I look for senses. I make a choice. The feminine side of machines. From here on the plot begins to be woven.
Raised in the mountains
Documentary – 10′ – YEAR 2016
Director – Maria Inês Santos
Through landscapes of rock and emptiness echo stories of a fear that no longer exists.
Animation –5′ – YEAR 2015
Director – Laura Vilares
“Danae” talks about the life of a Greek mythological character, Danae, the mother of Perseus and a target of passion on the part of Zeus. In addition to a tribute to the tale, it is also a metaphor for the fertility of nature.